Wednesday, 23 March 2011


Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

There is one thing that has been irritating me since the beginning of the book. When I was first looking at the summary of this book it became obvious that this book concentrates more on Cecilia Lisbon's suicide more than the other girls. I am a little bit into the second part of my book so around more than 100 pages in and although at times the author makes references to the other girls suicide, there is no detail regarding their deaths. I do not know if that is the way the author wants to write the novel to keep me guessing or intrigued by the other girls death's or if there is no meaning at all to the girls deaths.

I am getting quite frustrated that the author always has to include the other sister's deaths so randomly. The author will be talking about Cecilia and then randomly starts talking about the sisters. Why? Why do the sister's death have to be meshed in together when it does not fit?

I wish the story focused on all of the sister's deaths. I wish first it talked about the first sister committing suicide, then the next and so forth and then in the end draw a common line between all of them. Maybe I spoke too soon and there is a real reason behind why the author is doing all of these things that are irritating me. I just wish I find the answer to all of my questions soon enough. 

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